Siam P D Tour and bookthaitour
Power by Siam Progress Division Co., Ltd
333/135, Anaville Village Chalongkrung Road, Lam Pla Thio, Lat Krabang, Bangkok Thailand 10520
+66 2 172 2131
What is the cost of living in Thailand compared to Malaysia and Singapore?
What can 200 Baht do for you in Thailand? Simple! 3 meals, 60B Kraprao moosub+ fried egg on rice, 50B Chicken Rice, and 50B Fried Rice for dinner, and Singh Soda, Coke, and water.
What can S$20 do for you in Singapore? Simple! 3 meals, 4.50 Chicken Rice, 5.50 Char Kuay Teow, 6,50 Economical Rice and coffee, tea, and water.
What can 25 Riggits do for you in Malaysia? Simple! 3 meals, RM5 Kaya toast/ Roti Prata with half-boiled eggs, RM6 Mee Goreng, RM10 Nasi Padang on Rice, and coffee, tea, and water.
My verdict: The cost of living in Thailand is 2 and a half times cheaper than Singapore but on par with Malaysia.